Wednesday 24 June 2009

Day 3 of Dax Moy's 30lbs in 30 days

and I'm still alive. The muscles were so sore this morning that even the warm up was agony. I am assured by Dax that this will pass. It had better, my kids are getting fed up with me asking them to pick stuff up of the floor for me. We had our first joint ED meal tonight which was great, tuna and cabbage and peas (freshly shelled by long suffering children) and I had lentils and they had roast potatoes.

I developed a vicious headache last night but managed to sleep and it cleared with the first workout today. There's a little remnant now but in all honesty I think that's more down to working late to meet a deadline.

I got another studio workout with Dax today. At one point three of us were groaning simultaneously and he was just laughing at our agony. I'm going to miss Friday's session which is a shame because he defintely drives me harder than I can drive myself.

One downside is my skin flaring up but I know that's just the detox kicking in. I just have to hang on for a couple of weeks for that to change.

Result though are good, and if this keeps up it should be a nice steady path. Another 1lb down and 1 and 1/2 inches. Hoorah


  1. Oh my skin is flaring up a bit too! I was wondering what it was, now I get it! DUH, it is red and a bit patchy.

  2. Well done Natasha - would love to see you guys in action at the studio!!
    Keep it up

  3. Yep, flare ups are natural with ED but it WILL pass.

    Great work on today's workout Natasha. You're doing great

