Thursday 25 June 2009

Day 4

So this is it - my ration of late nights used up. I'm burning oil the right side of midnight but I'll keep this brief.

Great results this morning - no weight loss but another 1 and 3/4 inches. Grand total in 4 days 4 and 1/2! The most exciting thing is 1" of each upper arm. If this programme delivers serious banishment of my batwing arms I'll be thrilled to bits. I'm waiting for other parts of me to catch up but I'm sure they will.

I had my normal workout this morning with my personal trainer and my friend Janis (who is buddying me on the ED - what a great friend) so skipped the meltdown as she worked us pretty hard.

Then crazy stress packing and preparing for my conference here in Swansea (Wales). The thunderstorms promised for tomorrow have alreay arrived. Got here, tucked in the next work out. Couldn't count any of my reps so cannot even give realistic time achievements but hey ho who's counting.

Managed to feel like Sally in "When Harry met Sally" when I went down to the Brasserie for dinner - could I have the asparagus but not in tempura etc... etc.. I tricked myself into feeling better about drinking water by having fizzy water in a wine glass and plain water in the water glass. The waitress must have thought I had lost it.

Tomorow I'll have to go foraging in Swansea cos I bet the conference food will be awful. I've brought enough nuts and seeds to keep me away from sugary temptation but I will need to find some real food for my lunch.

1 comment:

  1. 4 1/2 inches - that's fantastic. I would guess, if you're not losing weight you're adding some lean mass - those inches have to be going somewhere!

    I love your drink fizzy water in a wine glass idea. Maybe I will do that next time I go out.
