Monday, 22 June 2009

One day down and 29 to go

So I've got through day one. I even went to the pub and drank water - and only one person said "one glass of wine won't hurt". I'm trying to work out why I feel so committed to this, "because Dax chose me", and how to bottle that commitment and turn it into commitment for myself.

I am one of the lucky ones who made it to the studio to train with Dax today. Because I know Dax of old and because I had already done an hour of pilates and the whole mobility matrix video I decided to hold off on workout 1 til I got there. Well, it was punishing but I guess any workout Dax leads is going to be punishing. Unfortunately I cannot give you my stats for that one as I was too busy going deep pink to count reps. It also meant a real scramble to get the second two workouts in for the day after I got home and had my super healthy chicken with stir fried vegetables.

Work out number 2 was good fun - and the stats are:
Push ups 22
Squats 24
Spiderman 14 (right and left)
Russain twist 11 (right and left)
Shoulder press 23 - will need to get some weights for that one

and then the circuit assessment was 2:52

Next meal - fried eggs and a salad of avocado and tomatoes with some delicious strawberries from our garden.

And now I have to go to bed because its after Dax imposed lights out but if I don't blog today they'll be so much more tomorrow - Dax wants daily measurement updates! EEK


  1. Good work yesterday Natasha!

    Lovely shades of pink you were exhibiting during our session : )

    Keep it up, keep it up, keep it up : )


  2. Hey Natasha - well done on day 1 - yummy fresh strawberries lucky you! I have fresh eggs though which is also good!! we have chickens

  3. Lucky you getting to work out with Dax! Mmmm, everyone's food sounds so good! Keep up that commitment - it will take you far!

  4. Great commitment and work on day 1. Going to the pub and having water, now that's nice :-)
