Wednesday 22 July 2009

The end of 30 in 30 and a new beginning

So - that's it the end of the 30 lbs in 30 days Challenge with Dax Moy. In common with many of my fellow 30 in 30 guinea pigs I realise that this may be the end of the 30 days programme but it is not the end of the journey for me. I have achieved an amazing change in the last month. Not 30 lbs but over 13 and a lot of inches too but the biggest change has been a change in lifestyle and commitment. I now know what I can achieve in terms of healthy eating and that I can dedicate more of my time to physical activity.
Although I have a long list of things I'm not ready to give up forever I am amazed that I did not wake up this morning and think woo hoo I can have a coffee. In fact I'm planning to stay off coffee at least until I come back from my holidays and I can have Monmouth again.
Last night I was out with my sister and we stopped at Cuba Libra on the way out to dinner, she had a mohito and I had a delicious glass of water with lime wedges and mint in it - on any other programme I would have had a margerita.
I have learned something about myself and motivation: my commitment to Dax enabled me to stick with this programme in a way that I would not have done if I had started it on my own but having done it and loved the results I know I can now make that commitment to myself.
I have learned is that it is possible to stay ED friendly when away at a conference, stuck in all day meetings with nothing provided apart from biscuits or when you are eating out. It just needs planning, so I have learned to plan.
I have learned that (without coffee and alcohol, I think) I can get to bed and to sleep around 10.30 and wake up feeling refreshed at about 6.30.
I have learned that there is time in my day for 3 workouts so there is definitely time in my day for 2.
So now, I'm going to be honest about the next 4 weeks. I won't stick to the ED but nor am I going to go crazy and undo everything. It is not that I cannot stay ED in France and Italy. It is that I choose not to. So I'm going to work at it but not 100% of the time. I will do at least 2 workouts a day and I will come back no larger than I am now.
When I'm back I'm going to set my inch loss goals. I think the sensible thing then would be to do ED again and add the eliminated foods back in properly so I can evaluate their place in my diet.
I'll keep in touch when I can but I may well be off for the whole four weeks.
and the final results are:
Chest now 35” down 2 1/2”
Waist (at navel) now 31 1/2” down 3 1/2
Hips now 39 1/2” down 2 1/2
Left thigh now 24” down 1 1/2
Right thigh now 24 1/2” down 1 1/2
Left calf now 15 3/4” down 1/2
Right calf now 15 1/2” down 1/2
Left arm now 12 3/8” down 1 5/8
Right arm now 11 7/8” down 2 1/8
That's a final tally of 13 1/2 lbs and 16 inches.
Photos in a separate post

1 comment:

  1. Natasha, great results, not just visible in the pictures (you look great!), but especially in your new attitude. You know now that you can stick to something and can achieve amazing results!
    Have fun in Italy and France, enjoy the food and wine (sensibly), and I look forward to hearing from you again in a few weeks! Happy vacation! :-)
